drowning in my sleep

I don't want to look like this anymore.
I don't want to feel like this anymore.

by the way, your hands were shaking

Okay, this is the last food-related update you'll see here, promise!

This is what I had to eat today. I felt quite proud so I felt like I could share it. *ahem*
Breakfast: ½ portion of oates, 50 g berries and 2 tbsp of psylliumseeds - 92 kcal
Lunch: 1 apple, 2 low-calorie-high-fibre flat breads - 98 kcal
Dinner: 1 soysausage, 4 brusselsprouts, 50 g broccoli, 100 g spinach & 50 g lentils - 201 kcal 

Miscelleneous: Tea, Coke Zero, water, Läkerol, sugar-free chewing gum

Well if I can keep this up and finish all my on-going exams, I'll be a happy little girl.

waking slowly on drugs and sorrow

Mmm bad webcam pic of collarbones. Yeah.
Well I'm tired.
Of basically everything.
I'm literally back exactly where I was one year ago; In debt, not much wiser, depressed and completely alone. Again.

Have an entire week of exams and then I'm done. Of school. Of everything that is 'normal' in my life. Then I don't really know; I have nothing to hold me back or keep me going. Things might turn pretty interesting by then, but if you wanna stick around to see the show you'll have to follow my new blog which will be up and running by the end of the month. I shall clear this one and use for design purposes only (as intended, gosh).

Stay tuned or, hey, don't.
SkywalkerDesigns © 2011 | Designed by Anah Skywalker