i'm a wolf in sheep's skin

pic: we heart it

(Picture makes me wanna kill the skinny bitch and steal her shoes. And bag. Just sayin'.)

So far, so good. Did some running in the morning, but not far at all. I didn't really any route planned, so I thought it was much more far than it really was. So when I got home I did some quick studying before school and then I worked out with my 1.5 kg hula hoop for 20 min (burned some extra calories!).

Tomorrow I'll do the same route but maybe add some distance by taking a detour or something. 

Anyway, it's a start. Like my teacher always says, you've gotta crawl before you can walk.

Now I'm home from school and I was planning on studying but got stuck behind the computer. Going to get started soon. Anyway, food intake for today is;

  • Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee, 1 dl oates porridge & 1/2 apple. Plus a glass with one of those fizzy mixes that only contains extra vitamins & iron.
  • Lunch: Approx. 50 g mixed nuts and 1 big cup (my Starbucks tumbler) with coffee.
  • Dinner: ? (I don't know yet, still deciding).

Yeah, my lunch sucks, however it's hard for me to eat a proper lunch because it collides with my uni lectures (which is from 1pm - 4pm, Monday-Thursday) so I try to squeeze in a snack and some caffeine.

Now I need to fix dinner somehow and get started on my Mandarin. 再见!

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