play it safe

Things I can't live without atm.
  • Läkerol: 2-4 kcal/piece, and there's so many different flavors to try! My favorite so far is Salmiak, but I haven't tried much different ones - yet.
  • Naturdiet meal bar: 200-220 kcal/bar. Since I have class from 1-4 pm, I have bring lunch to school. Except that I'm lazy and I don't wanna buy stuff from the cafeteria every day, there's these meal bars that are surprisingly really good and quite filling. Dark Chocolate is the best one I've tried yet.
  • Sugarfree Powerking: 10 kcal/can. I wonder what I would do without caffeine...
  • PoWorkout: An app I bought a while ago, which contains different, short workout sessions you can basically do anywhere. I was surprised to say I was sore the first few days of training, which proves that it works, and each workout only takes a couple of minutes :)

(Note: I don't have the time or energy to go to the gym. Or willing to spend money on a gym card. Plus, every time I've been to a gym I feel like there's too much people, all looking at you, judging you. I kind of feel like a hamster in a huge cage where everyone runs on those big wheels, whilst trying to sneak a peak at the others to see how they are doing. No. *shudders*)

Oh well, now the sun is out and I'm going to the library to study. Ttyl bitches.

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